06-17-2024, 04:41 AM
For 15 of our new members ,it's time to post . Tamerlane the forum "sweeper" approaches .....
In case you missed this , or just ignored it.
(02-05-2024, 06:41 AM)rvpopeye Wrote: NEWBIES TAKE NOTE !
First of all congrats on passing the first test ! You're IN !
A friendly reminder from Tamerlane (the administrator of joy , or doom... your choice ! )...
Again , we have several new members that have posted nothing.... is that you ?
Not sure how anybody missed that ya gotta post at LEAST once , but it's still in effect .
If one of these zero posting members IS you , your time to post (2 weeks) has run out .
Or will soon. (Why wait?)
A few of you are way past the 2 weeks requirement , but we still have hope for you ! (Why you're still here.)
However , this hope to find new friends is at odds with our desire to keep the crew here free of those with bad intent.
(For whom the plank awaits your short run . Why drag it out ? Git 'er done Arrrrrrrr !)
If you gained anything from being here , is one hello post such a very high price to pay ?
And if you can manage to post 10 times ,, it's easy if you just have a conversation with anybody.
You get to learn from the whole forum and ask questions or just hang out with new friends.
And we don't have to worry about your intentions ??
This concludes this Public Service Announcement (brought to you by Tamerlane , guardian of all that "Ain't Right" ).
stay tuned
Weirdo Overlord : FMS Fleet Ops , Awards , Badges , aka Tamerlane the Impaler Mod.
Weirdo Overlord : FMS Fleet Ops , Awards , Badges , aka Tamerlane the Impaler Mod.