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I am allergic to SPAM!
I really love to say I told ya so. I sent Bob a letter a bunch of years ago outlining the creep to commercialization as I’d seen it with Burning Man and Various other cool events, stuff that had the “we can make a buck” people Move in. He was happy with his affiliate links and was doing his as needed charity stuff till it got away from him and too big to fix. As predicted.

Sad to see as the movement had a great underlying principle and that general good tribe take care of one another.

But I’ve also seen the other entitled side of that mind set in the desert. A very kind man was being abused by a lady that thought this swinging dick that was good with tools and could be treated like every other swinging dick she disliked. He shut her down. But seriously the guy is working for free and you can’t even be polite. This is why I stick to the shadows and people I know.

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My email's spam folder is plastered with junk from that site.

The entitled mindset was just kicking in when i left that forum, and unfortunately, that mindset has permeated most aspects of everything, before the Pandemic, and during and afterwards, seems to have accellerated in rate and intensity to truly disgusting levels

My desire to be helpful is pretty much depleted, but for the very few who can , or have previously shown themselves worthy of the effort.

I hole the whole hasttag van life thing implodes, as the sheer number of entitled witless self important morons who jumped on the bandwagon, have ruined it.

Before I left California, every parking lot near the ocean was filled with cheap white vans and 100k$ sprinterVans and it made me sick. I often just kelt driving even from the rare primo.parking spot, rather than be associated with that fustercluck of entitled self imoortant halfwits.

BOob did help some down on their luck people find a way to live acceptably within their means, but a huge percentage that jumlep on the bandwagon are just contemptible 'look at me' hyoer entitled narcissists looking to post crap on their facebook or tikfok page.
I've seen some YT vid tiles of them complaining about the many ways van life sucks !
I knew then that they would all voluntarily go back to their mommies eventually .
Now , how do we speed that up ? Skuh kuh kuh kuh
stay tuned 

 Weirdo Overlord : FMS Fleet Ops , Awards , Badges ,  aka Tamerlane the Impaler Mod.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to rvpopeye for this post:
  • GypsyDogs (05-26-2023)
My moment of complete disgust happened at the memorial for HDR. We loaded up on firewood and set up a word of mouth gathering that included the burning van. One rule, no livestream video as BLM equates that to a money making event. One “famous “ goob tuber came roaring up in a UTV and was talking loudly on his phone while live streaming. It was explained that this was for Mikes family and please stop. The tantrum was epic. Most people stayed quietly around the fire. When the van was placed on the fire suddenly everyone had a camera out and recording. The goobers soon left and friends and family enjoyed a video made by a few close friends. 

Users are the reason why I stopped volunteering. I don’t need the abuse for trying to help others.
Compared to parenting, Cat herding is less complicated
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to GotSmart for this post:
  • rvpopeye (05-26-2023)
I saw something while not quite as cringe worthy as that still…the politest guy in the world helping out a single lady. Who decided to berate him for some design impossibility he was trying to do for free.

She was rude enough to leave in a hole. This after enjoying the nights or nights before feed of chicken and fixings put on for everyone.

Rudeness is so incredibly ugly, and they don’t sell a cream for it.

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[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Scott7022 for this post:
  • Abnorm (05-27-2023)
Bumping this thread with an sad announcement.
I regret to inform all those that remember her , the only newb to first post in months , member joytorso has been lost at sea.....
Last seen slipping down an extremely long plank and floating off into a fog bank .
May she? spam in peace .  Angel

Joining her in the festivities were dozens of crabby bots from the 127. club. Big Grin

If anyone would like to claim the only item remaining , a small battery air pump is in the lost and found bin.
stay tuned 

 Weirdo Overlord : FMS Fleet Ops , Awards , Badges ,  aka Tamerlane the Impaler Mod.
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to rvpopeye for this post:
  • Kyz (10-17-2024), GypsyDogs (10-17-2024)
Popeye is not one to make mad. 
A bot would end up wearing a blindfold and taking a hike on a diving board. 

Salt water is not nice to electronics, silly pie rat. You should have watched for the sparks. ?
Compared to parenting, Cat herding is less complicated
Actually , most of the bots go directly to the short plank. Several detection methods are utilized to "flush" 'em out. 30 seconds , including the plank walk.
One is particularly annoying , trying to board the ship several times a day . Getting a boot to the head and back over the side that often , ya'd think he'd give up but insists on demonstrating the definition of insanity...but bots have no brain ? !
In addition , some newbs manage to be assimilated by the bot armada but share the same fate eventually.

No regrets coyote'. hmmmmm, wait a sec....
I write that a lot.
Here's a show when that started . Some travelin' music from my old life..
And a little coyo dining tip for a certain co pilot.

She chose backup wisely .Metheny and Jaco , and with her weird tunings , yup yup and yup on the freeway....

There are three new crew members in the last day or so. Hopefully , THEY pass the auditions.
stay tuned 

 Weirdo Overlord : FMS Fleet Ops , Awards , Badges ,  aka Tamerlane the Impaler Mod.

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