Just to be clear, the members on the attached screenshot are a small sample the accounts that will be deleted.
If post count = zero, the user title says "Delete 1FEB23" and those accounts will be deleted on 1 Feb...UNLESS they have been a member for less than 2 weeks...then we'll give them to the 2 week mark at least.
About half of our members have never posted a thing and a very large percentage have never came back after joining.
YARC ~ 2 Stinkin' Badgese ROOIRIA YARC Name: Tripping Over Shadow Official YARC Title: The Wizard of Y.A.R.C. (Popeye says so!)
Last Chance The Door Is Closing !!!!! A Public Service Announcement .
That forum you like to read without ever seeing a data guzzling advertisement may disappear on February 1st ! For you.
Just a few more days to make that first post !
Keeps you in , not OUT
and, if you can manage just 9 more posts.....
all the way IN (and you know that's always better) ,,, with a whole lot more you've been missing.
3 Stinkin' Badges, YARC, 3 Cat Ass Trophies , ROOIRIA Wannabe,(never happen) and still a Bisquit cause me soggy!
And 2 run down Flying Manure Spreaders!