Most of us use the "Vandweller Forum" theme. I would like to change background photo roughly once a month. For those willing, please post a background worthy picture in this thread. Most "liked" will be set as the background on the Vandweller Forum theme for about a month. If you have trouble posting, please reach out to me in a private message and I will give you my email address to forward it to me. Please don't reduce the image to the point it won't cover the entire page.
Don't worry, we won't be losing Blanch's background photo that we're using currently.
YARC ~ 2 Stinkin' Badgese ROOIRIA YARC Name: Tripping Over Shadow Official YARC Title: The Wizard of Y.A.R.C. (Popeye says so!)
the background is the white mountain picture right? you take tons of fab photos, unless anyone wants a pic of theirs submitted to you, I know you would have some stellar contributions for background.
3 Stinkin' Badges, YARC, 3 Cat Ass Trophies , ROOIRIA Wannabe,(never happen) and still a Bisquit cause me soggy!
And 2 run down Flying Manure Spreaders!
08-05-2022, 02:02 PM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2022, 03:10 AM by rvpopeye.)
We can put up OUR pics anytime !
The idea here is you can take one , maybe a beach at sunset for ex: and have it on the forum banner.
Hey roamer , you might even be going someplace you can use a few kb of phone memory on a pic ????????
Kyz is the gallery curator and all of the membership are the artists.
We're going to have everybody vote on each month's submissions for the forum banner.
And , if somebody can paint or draw something . Those count too.
The following 2 users say Thank You to rvpopeye for this post:2 users say Thank You to rvpopeye for this post • Kyz (08-05-2022), GotSmart (10-31-2022)
08-06-2022, 06:36 AM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2022, 06:38 AM by RoamerRV428.)
I just posted in Chat my 3 beach pics
ya want one then fine.....I release all rights to any pics I post if admin. wants to use one as but Kyz has gnome pics and gnome homes and more...weee....more like fantasy pics vs what I post which are lanscape pics. We got tomatoe pickin' and makin' sauce and turtle pond pics and more from Camm if she releases tho to be used? We got minivan pic purchased from GypsyD if ok to use? Yea alot of pics to choose thru the months All good to me.
hey ya'll do what you feel ya all wanna do, any pic I post is cool to use if wanted. I am cool with it changing to anything anyone wants!
3 Stinkin' Badges, YARC, 3 Cat Ass Trophies , ROOIRIA Wannabe,(never happen) and still a Bisquit cause me soggy!
And 2 run down Flying Manure Spreaders!
08-07-2022, 06:35 AM (This post was last modified: 08-07-2022, 06:51 AM by RoamerRV428.)
whatever floats all boats in pic is cool with me it is only a month til it changes I guess as stated so does anyone really care? I don't and if we pic on and it holds longer do I care, nope,,,,ya'll do what you wanna do is cool with me....just sayin' all pics of mine here are fair game if requried, use as one wants
3 Stinkin' Badges, YARC, 3 Cat Ass Trophies , ROOIRIA Wannabe,(never happen) and still a Bisquit cause me soggy!
And 2 run down Flying Manure Spreaders!
08-07-2022, 07:36 AM (This post was last modified: 08-07-2022, 07:39 AM by GypsyDogs.)
Here are a couple I will contribute
My body is a temple- Ancient and crumbling,
probably cursed
Dog Bender with 4.2 Stinkin' Badges
The following 4 users say Thank You to GypsyDogs for this post:4 users say Thank You to GypsyDogs for this post • rvpopeye (08-07-2022), RoamerRV428 (08-07-2022), tx2sturgis (08-07-2022), Kyz (08-07-2022)