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Background on Vandweller theme
Random sunset in Arizona.

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Compared to parenting, Cat herding is less complicated
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to GotSmart for this post:
  • Kyz (11-04-2022), Texjbird (11-22-2022)
Ohhh GS love that second one, like a nuke going off in a way or a big old 'something' happening in that sky. COOL pic
3 Stinkin' Badges, YARC, 3 Cat Ass Trophies , ROOIRIA Wannabe,(never happen) and still a Bisquit cause me soggy!
And 2 run down Flying Manure Spreaders!
Love those! So pretty!
YARC ~ 2 Stinkin' Badges
YARC Name: Tripping Over Shadow 
Official YARC Title: The Wizard of Y.A.R.C. (Popeye says so!)

Future home/rig: 2009 Ford E350 Shuttle Bus
I have a thread that I will be posting pictures on.  Any that you like can obviously be used. 

We saw these guys just off the road. Stayed in the car as there was no reason for my slow motion to get run over by the dominant ram.

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Compared to parenting, Cat herding is less complicated
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to GotSmart for this post:
  • RoamerRV428 (11-05-2022), Kyz (11-05-2022)
what? ya don't wanna be a fool who gets gored and killed by a bison so you give that respect to the ram? Get close to that momma bear and her cubs cause you think they might be tame? LOL
more power to you being smart...........oh, get smart right? HAHA seems ya got the smarts on wild life nailed Smile
3 Stinkin' Badges, YARC, 3 Cat Ass Trophies , ROOIRIA Wannabe,(never happen) and still a Bisquit cause me soggy!
And 2 run down Flying Manure Spreaders!
I've saved several here, and I'm going to start changing the background up every couple weeks as soon as I get time to get it set up. Thanks for all the great pics. Any others that want to post, I'll add to the collection.
YARC ~ 2 Stinkin' Badges
YARC Name: Tripping Over Shadow 
Official YARC Title: The Wizard of Y.A.R.C. (Popeye says so!)

Future home/rig: 2009 Ford E350 Shuttle Bus
Background picture changed for a bit. I'll go down the list every so often (when I feel like a change or have some time) and make a change. I have several pictures thanks to Scott and John. Thanks guys!! (Please feel free to post your background pics at any time.)

Most people already use this theme, but it is the VANDWELLER FORUM theme if you are not seeing the new background picture.

Current background picture credit: Sierra1
YARC ~ 2 Stinkin' Badges
YARC Name: Tripping Over Shadow 
Official YARC Title: The Wizard of Y.A.R.C. (Popeye says so!)

Future home/rig: 2009 Ford E350 Shuttle Bus
Due to being color blind, I can only use the one with the vans.
Compared to parenting, Cat herding is less complicated

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