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who wants a forum?
simple as that
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Blacktank for this post:
  • RoamerRV428 (03-12-2022)
We will take it

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
[-] The following 5 users say Thank You to Cammalu for this post:
  • txmnjim (03-11-2022), GypsyDogs (03-12-2022), mudbunny (03-12-2022), Kyz (03-12-2022), frater secessus (03-12-2022)
I'll get in line behind Cammalu.
oops.... double post
I do. If we wanna change it more toward driving traffic about 'life on the road' it would be fine by me.

van dwelling tho isn't quite alot of us. I have toyhauler, KYZ has a big ol' class C, Camm has a big ol' Class A and not sure what other people own.

one suggestion is make it life out on the road chatting all aspects of this lifestyle without making all about only a van kinda thing.

just throwing out thoughts.

and it freaked me out the site was gone Smile yea I want a site. What you need us to do?
3 Stinkin' Badges, YARC, 3 Cat Ass Trophies , ROOIRIA Wannabe,(never happen) and still a Bisquit cause me soggy!
And 2 run down Flying Manure Spreaders!
I vote yes too...small community is better than no community...and I have lost interest in the other one, missing HDR’s spirit there
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to tav-2020 for this post:
  • mudbunny (03-12-2022), RoamerRV428 (03-13-2022)
gave it to cammy,i'm out of here,best of luck to everyone
[-] The following 3 users say Thank You to Blacktank for this post:
  • frater secessus (03-12-2022), mudbunny (03-12-2022), RoamerRV428 (03-13-2022)
Hold on everyone. I’ve never done this.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Cammalu for this post:
  • RoamerRV428 (03-13-2022)
But I have. Relax you did good.
(Not an IT Guru but I stayed in too many Holiday Inns...)
If you have questions call (or post , maybe we'll find a real IT Guru to help ya?) skuh kuh kuh kuh

There seems to be a few posts missing .......I'll look
stay tuned 

 Weirdo Overlord : FMS Fleet Ops , Awards , Badges ,  aka Tamerlane the Impaler Mod.
There are a LOT of posts missing. A whole section is gone and the last 6 months on top of that. Also, members that joined within the last 6 months (or so) are all gone.
YARC ~ 2 Stinkin' Badges
YARC Name: Tripping Over Shadow 
Official YARC Title: The Wizard of Y.A.R.C. (Popeye says so!)

Future home/rig: 2009 Ford E350 Shuttle Bus
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Kyz for this post:
  • RoamerRV428 (03-13-2022)

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