Kat, thanks, I'll keep that in mind when shocks time comes along...
though in my case the problem is the
Driver, not the Rig.

Even before my car accident, I was a timid driver (I got my license in my early 30s, after more than a decade as a pilot - vehicles that close to me are just Plain Wrong).
After the accident, EvenMoreTimid!
My biggest fear is
trucks, and Fawkes is much more stable than my prior vehicle, when being passed by trucks.
Among the
excellent advice GypsyDogs gave me, was that when driving it, aggressive drivers are less intimidating than when one drives a smaller vehicle, which is true.
Yesterday's drive was generally good. I stopped shortly after dark, mainly because bright headlights + TBI = Pain!
Found a 24 hour gas station with a big parking area, asked nicely if could overnight, no problemo.
Over at that other forum, there's a contingent of alarmists who make that far more complicated/intimidating than it really is. #roll-eyes
Anyways, got my laptop charger, it works, did my laundry, figured out the source of water leakage (Walmart jug), missed the time window for the homeless shelter's Free Shower, but might hit it tomorrow.
Then, Mark Twain NF bound!
P.S. I'm already missing that Chromebook. I had only ever streamed from a Roku, so it was a decadent treat during these stressful months. Last thing I streamed was last week's episode of "The Orville" - it was a particularly good ep, with an excellent new view on a classic holodeck plot.