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[challenge] share foods that when cooked leave a strong lingering aroma
Please share some recipes, the preparation of which produces a strong lingering smell, that would help mask cigarette smells.

There's a lingering light cigarette smell in the van (from the previous owner, of course).
It appears to mainly be in the front chairs.

My strategy as a long-time motel dweller, is to always carry microwave popcorn, as it's very effective at masking light smoke smells.

Not Gonna Work, in a van.
Though GypsyDogs kindly made a bag for me last night, and I ate it all in the van, which definitely helped. Smile

Soooo, I'm staying another full day (will probably hit the road Tuesday right after rush hour), to "work" on the smell, sort out lots of other small stuff, and continue to live in the van for real. Smile

My first thought was SPAM & onions. Smile
(Was going to cook that tonight, but GypsyDogs showed up at my door with a bowl of awesomeness - some sort of superb Mexican-ish thing... gotta get the recipe, it was amazing!).

Did a store run, bought some SPAM Singles and an onion, and also picked up a mini can of corned beef hash and a dozen eggs.

Any other suggestions?

Simple is better. Smile

P.S.  The van has been mostly closed up for the last few months, hence the buildup.  Once it's free-ranging in the SW, it should improve by itself.
If I were "normal" this wouldn't be an issue... but normal is boring. Wink
"Cause how you get there is the worthier part." Shephard Book to Kaylee, Firefly
[Image: dobby.png]

2019-Dec update:
I've escaped Winter!
Fish, fry some sardines in garlic butter toss in three eggs and onions, fold into an omelette and viola Odessa Brothel scented van and good eating with lots of iron and vitamins.

In all seriousness fish covers everything.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Scott7022 for this post:
  • GypsyDogs (11-26-2018)
Cabbage, bacon, onions, an oily fish... any or all of those would do the trick.
Odor eaters or baking soda or both to absorb the smell. What do used car dealers do?
I'm not lost. I'm exploring.
And we got a big bottle of unscented Fabreeze.. helped a lot.. may need to repeatedly nuke the seats for a few weeks, till it airs out...
(usually car dealers use a 'fabreeze-bomb' like a bug bomb.. but they have lingering "pleasant" odor/perfume that would knock her on her backside.)

sorry about the dinner Wink .. and sorry- no recipe.. it was a wing-it meal from miscellaneous stuff in the fridge.. lol
it was just mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes with cheese toasted over the top (like shephards pie) then covered in nacho/tacoy stuff.. chorizo, black beans, olives, cheeses, green onions.. more cheese, then re-toasted under the broiler.
My body is a temple- Ancient and crumbling,  
probably cursed 

Dog Bender with 4.2 Stinkin' Badges 
If you eat enough Mexican food you'll be able to mask the cigarette smell on your own. Here, try a 3rd helping of refried beans. If you use fabreeze be sure to spray a bunch down in the air vent in the dash. That black plastic air plenum is famous for trapping crud and giving off odors and it lets you know when you turn on the defrost or heater.
  [Image: 414097000.jpg]
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Motrukdriver for this post:
  • Kaylee (11-26-2018)
Cook 1 lobster.
Leave the shells etc. in a bucket in the rig .
After a couple of days throw out the bucket.
Done .....
(NeW SmeLL much stronger but it's not tobacco !)
stay tuned 

 Weirdo Overlord : FMS Fleet Ops , Awards , Badges ,  aka Tamerlane the Impaler Mod.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to rvpopeye for this post:
  • GypsyDogs (11-26-2018)
Liver and onions.

When you spar the seats with frabreeze make sure that the fabric is slightly wet with it. You can also rub baking soda into them and after a while vacuum them off.

There may be a filter for the heater/A/C that can be changed.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to justjim for this post:
  • Kaylee (11-26-2018)
How about some Limburger cheese soup? Or just set the cheese out and let it warm up.
Thanks to y'all, and especially to Mo & Jim for mentioning other areas where it may be lingering! Smile
That did not occur to us.
Ditto on baking soda, Snik. Smile

I have an aversion to eating fish, however that's a brilliant idea.

Please keep 'em coming.
Since I'm returning to North-of-the-Wall, I won't be able to air it out, so my goal will be to continue cooking stuff with strong penetrating/lingering smells.

Garlic is promising and I like it!
I have both garlic and cinnamon at my storage unit in northern WI.
I generally eat mildish/gringo-food, but I'm based in the Land of Cheese, so am open to trying some strong Cheese. Smile

Today, I did the first batch of SPAM + onions + eggs, and the smell is lingering nicely. Smile

P.S.  It took 7.8 grams of butane to cook all that.
Oddly (to Novice me), it took 10.8 g to near boil about half a kettle of water. The water was enough to clean both yesterday's dishes, and those from brunch. Smile I had put the extra into my Thermos.
"Cause how you get there is the worthier part." Shephard Book to Kaylee, Firefly
[Image: dobby.png]

2019-Dec update:
I've escaped Winter!

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